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14 May 2024

Whether you own a restaurant or offer best-selling food products to consumers, food safety should always be at the top of your mind. Read More

7 May 2024

All food product developers are aware of the organic versus non-organic debate. Read More

29 April 2024

Curry is a popular spice blend known for its dynamic and bold flavour profile. Read More

22 April 2024

Nowadays, we have a wide array of spices at our fingertips, so much so that the selection seems almost unremarkable. Read More

15 April 2024

In 2024, every North American food producer needs to be paying attention to trends in the plant-based industry. Read More

26 March 2024

There is no spice more prized (or more expensive) than saffron. Read More

19 March 2024

The recipes for beloved Indian dishes or Indian-inspired food products almost always call for one of these spice blends: curry powder or garam masala. Read More


Have a product idea? Tell us all about it and your search for the perfect ingredients. Find it all at Hela Spice. Let’s talk about your next best-seller.